Learn Every Day Series, Level 1

Learn Every Day with our 3 unique levels designed to introduce children to a variety of content knowlege including animals, bugs, numbers, letters and more through fun and challenging games. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/learn-every-day-series-level-1/id541655367?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 via Once Upon An App https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/learn-every-day-series-level-1/id541655367?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4

Mighty Kids Poison Patrol

Learn about Poison Prevention and help keep your little ones safe through our Danger Rangers Poison Patrol App! Available on iTunes! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mighty-kids-poison-patrol/id609898962?mt=8 via Once Upon An App https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mighty-kids-poison-patrol/id609898962?mt=8

School’s Out ~ 10 Fun Ways to Learn in the Kitchen

The end of the school year is almost near. Here are some fun ways to keep your child interested in learning during the summer. via Once Upon An App http://www.kitchencounterchronicle.com/2013/06/schools-out-10-fun-ways-to-learn-in-the-kitchen.html

mrs brown’s books: Eliot Jones, Midnight Superhero by Anne Cottringer & Alex T. Smith

Looking for a great read this weekend? Mrs.Brown’s Books has you covered! She’s just reviewed the wonderful “Eliot Jones, Midnight Superhero” by Anne Cottringer & Alex T. Smith. This fast paced tale follows Eliot as he overcomes his shyness at midnight and turns into a full-fledged superhero! http://mrsbrownsbooks.blogspot.com/2013/05/eliot-jones-midnight-superhero-by-anne.html via Once Upon An App http://mrsbrownsbooks.blogspot.com/2013/05/eliot-jones-midnight-superhero-by-anne.html

Peepers: I Say… You Say

Remember opposite day? We sure “don’t” ! Enjoy this zany take on opposites with our Peepers I Say You Say app. Available now on iTunes! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/peepers-i-say…-you-say/id393324548?mt=8 via Once Upon An App https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/peepers-i-say…-you-say/id393324548?mt=8

Memorial Day

Here are some great ideas on how to celebrate and help your child learn the importance of Memorial Day! http://pinterest.com/onceuponanapp/memorial-day/ via Once Upon An App http://pinterest.com/onceuponanapp/memorial-day/

Skip To My Blues | iActive Learning

Our friends over at IactiveLearning are giving away a free song to help all your little ones get over their Hump Day Blues! http://iactivelearning.com/?q=node/6182 via Once Upon An App http://iactivelearning.com/?q=node%2F6182

6 Smart and Tasty Healthy Snacks for Kids

Re-invent snack time with your child with these 6 great ideas! http://www.stressfreekids.com/6550/6-smart-snacks-kids via Once Upon An App http://www.stressfreekids.com/6550/6-smart-snacks-kids

Charles the Chef

Monday is always the hardest to get through! Why not make yourself a smoothie using the recipes provided in our Charles the Chef Inc. app! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/charles-the-chef/id572605732?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 via Once Upon An App https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/charles-the-chef/id572605732?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4